WellSolve L/S Horse Feed

WellSolve L/S Horse Feed 50-lbLow starch and sugar diet for horses with special needs. WellSolve L/S® horse feed offers a simpler, more streamlined dietary option for veterinarians and horse owners who are caring for special needs horses that may benefit from a low starch and sugar diet.

Feed Form: All Pellets

Recommended For: Horses with special needs

Stop into Kissimmee Valley Feed with two locations in St. Cloud, Florida for your supply of horse feed today. Be sure to contact us with any questions you may have about your equine feed program. Need more information? Check out Purina’s website here.





Low in starch and sugar—no grains or molasses
  • While special needs horses require at least some soluble carbohydrates (starches and sugar) for brain function and hoof health, too much can cause glucose and insulin levels to spike. We guarantee the level of soluble carbohydrates in WellSolve L/S® to be less than 11 percent.
Digestible/fermentable fibers as an alternative energy source 
  • Although many reputable commercial feeds rely on sugars and starches as the primary energy source, the level of calories in these feeds is unnecessary and the calorie sources may not be a safe option for many special needs horses. That’s why WellSolve L/S® horse feed utilizes a blend of fibers from various feedstuffs such as beet pulp, ground soy hulls and alfalfa meal.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids 
  • Fats are a dense source of calories. The soybean oil and ground flaxseed in WellSolve L/S® are ideal for replacing calories that would otherwise be lacking in a low starch and sugar diet.
Quality Protein and Essential Amino Acids
  • WellSolve L/S® has an ideal amino acid profile for the special needs horse, including lysine, threonine and methionine. All are essential amino acids and aid in tissue repair.
Antioxidants and a Healthy Immune System—Vitamins E, C and Selenium
  • These powerful antioxidants destroy “free radicals” that can wreak havoc on healthy cells. We have added a natural source of vitamin E for the special needs horse, as well as a blend of natural tocopherols to help preserve the supplemented antioxidants and the overall shelf life of the product.
Vitamins and Minerals proportioned for the special needs horse
  • Special needs horses can easily become deficient in key vitamins due to grazing restrictions or because of eating large amounts of stored hay. WellSolve L/S® compensates for these deficiencies with the proper combination of vitamins and minerals, including added vitamins A and D, as well as a natural source of vitamin E. We’ve also added minerals like copper and zinc, which are involved in chemical reactions related to connective tissue synthesis and maintenance in tissues such as tendons and cartilage.
Added Biotin, no need for additional supplementation
  • At present, there is no established biotin requirement for horses. However, there is research with horses that have issues in regard to hoof quality and growth that suggests additional biotin could support hoof re-growth in some horses. For this reason, we have added biotin to WellSolve L/S® at a level of 3.6 mg/lb. Consequently, there is no need for any additional supplementation by the horse owner.
Palatability, without grains or molasses
  • In the end, it doesn’t matter how good a feed is if a horse won’t eat it. For this reason, WellSolve L/S® is formulated with an extra hint of natural flavors to be highly palatable for horses with special needs.
Feed with Hay or Pasture
  • WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed is designed to be fed with hay and/or pasture.
Feed Guard® Nutrition System
  • The FeedGuard® Nutrition System is one of the industry’s most innovative and exacting quality assurance programs. FeedGuard®Nutrition System can help deliver the trust, quality and performance that horse professionals demand every day.




Feeding Directions with Hay or Pasture It is important to keep in mind that consistency is key—this includes consistency of feed ingredients, management and timing of meals. Prolonged fasting interrupted by one or two large meals per day is not advised. Instead, we recommend a feeding plan that mimics natural grazing behavior by providing feed that a horse can nibble on throughout the day. The best way to achieve this is with long-stem forage and several small, consistently spaced meals of WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed. Start with the amounts recommended for the weight and class of the horse. After observing the horse for a period of time, the amount fed may be increased or decreased to obtain the desired body condition and weight. More specific recommendations may also be obtained from a Purina representative. Please consult the tag sewn onto this bag for nutrient analyses and ingredient information.   Guideline of Pounds of WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed to Feed Daily along with Hay* Horse Body Weight in Pounds
Lifestyle 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Maintenance 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Performance - Light Work ** 5.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
Pregnant Mares (1-8 months) 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Pregnant Mares (Laast 90 days) 5.5 7.0 8.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0
Lactating Mares (1.5 lbs of hay per 100 lbs Body Weight)*** 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 15.0 16.0
Breeding Stallions 5.0 6.0 7.5. 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
These recommendations are a starting point that may need to be adjusted up or down to accommodate different horses’ metabolisms, management practices, and forage quality and quantity. For further information regarding the use of this product visit www.wellsolveequine.com, call a WellSolve® Horse Feed Specialist at 1-877-454-7109, or ask your veterinarian. * These feeding recommendations are for horses eating 1.0 lb of hay per 100 lbs of body weight per day in addition to WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed. Lactating mares should eat 1.5 to 2.0 lbs of hay per 100 lbs of Body Weight per day. This is the minimum amount of good quality hay to be fed. If feeding more hay, decrease amount of WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed fed by 1 lb per 2 lbs of additional hay fed. Do not feed less than 0.3 lbs of WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed per 100 lbs of Body Weight daily. If horses gain too much weight at this minimum feeding rate, then horses should be changed from WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed to WellSolve W/C® Horse Feed. ** Add Nature‘s Essentials Amplify® supplement (1.0 to  2.0 lbs/day) for horses having trouble maintaining weight when following WellSolve L/S® recommendations for performance horses. *** Add Nature‘s Essentials Amplify® and Enrich 32® supplements (1.0 to  2.0 lbs/day) for lactating mares or consult with a WellSolve® horse feed specialist or your veterinarian regarding the use of Ultium® or Strategy® horse feeds to help meet higher energy requirements. Feed at regular times. Divide total daily feeding into at least two servings with 3 to 4 daily servings preferred. Do not feed over 6 lbs of WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed in one serving. DO NOT feed free-choice. Any feed changes should be made gradually over a period of 7 to 10 days. Changes in the rate of feeding should not exceed one pound per day for each horse. Always feed a minimum of 1 to 1.5% of Body Weight of moderate to good quality, clean hay or pasture. Horses with special needs may not be able to tolerate sugar and starch content of good quality hay or pasture. Soaking hay to reduce sugar content and restricting pasture intake may be necessary for these horses. Inadequate amounts or poor quality hay may lead to colic and other digestive disturbances. Have salt and plenty of fresh, clean water available at all times. Maintain an effective control program for internal parasites. Be sure that horses are free of dental problems. Horses doing intense work should be fed a diet designed for horses with higher energy requirements such as Ultium® or Strategy® Horse Feeds. This product is not recommended for young growing horses under 2 years of age. A product such as Omolene #300®, Equine Junior® or Strategy® Horse Feed should be creep fed separately to foals of lactating mares being fed WellSolve L/S® Horse Feed. CAUTION: Always follow label directions. Feeding added selenium resulting in total diet levels in excess of 0.3 ppm is prohibited.

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