MoorMan’s Grostrong Pro-Vita-Min Tub

MoorMan's Grostrong Pro-Vita-Min Tub Kissimmee Valley FeedPRO-VITA-MIN 20-5 Tub provides the necessary protein, minerals, and vitamins to complement forages and grains, enabling horses to reach their performance potential. It is an ideal product for meeting nutrient needs under situations that make it difficult to individually supplement horses on a daily basis, such as with pasture or range conditions.

It is a good choice for supplementing free-choice to mature horses on pasture or range. Also, it helps meet the nutrient needs of yearlings, two-year-olds, gestating broodmares, and lactating broodmares.

PRO-VITA-MIN 20-5 Tub combines the advantages of GROSTRONG® Minerals with high-quality protein sources. It is the result of unsurpassed formulation expertise and leading-edge technology.

Over 100 years of formulation and manufacturing expertise back the reliability and nutritional soundness of PRO-VITA-MIN 20-5 Tub. PRO-VITA-MIN 20-5 Tub, a Forage First® Vitamin and Mineral Product, is a key component of the Forage First program.

Forage First programs combine good-quality forage, GROSTRONG vitamin-mineral products, and energy-based products, when needed, to produce balanced total rations. With this combination of feeds, horses can be healthy and perform at their best when fed less grain than they would receive from traditional horse rations.


  • Protein-vitamin-mineral supplement for all classes of horses
  • Provide free-choice – An ideal product for meeting supplemental nutrient needs under conditions that make it difficult to individually supplement horses on a daily basis, such as with horses on pasture or range
  • Ideal for mature horses (gestating and lactating broodmares and leisure horses), yearlings, and two-year-olds
  • Reduces labor and amount of time needed to feed large groups of horses
  • Provides GROSTRONG® Minerals, a complete mineral-vitamin package of 28 minerals, vitamins and electrolytes (including salt) in appropriate ratios and amounts
  • specifically formulated for horses
  • Multiple, high-quality protein sources
  • Vegetable fat sources supply highly digestible energy sources without effects associated with feeding large amounts of grain; 18-12 product also utilizes flaxseed for energy and is a source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids
  • 2:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio
  • No. 11228 only – Natural-source vitamin E for better bioavailability compared with synthetic vitamin E; needed for protection against oxidative tissue damage and immune system function; and may be especially important for working horses due to risk of exercise-induced muscle damage


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