We are excited to announce we will have some new hay options available for sale!
Currently in stock
- Alfalfa 2-tie 50lbs for $26.50 ( NEW OPTION )
- Alfalfa compressed 550lbs for $190.00 ( NEW OPTION )
- Alfalfa 3-tie 100lbs for $34.50
- Timothy 2-tie $24.50
- T&A 2-tie $17.35
- Coastal Bale $8.55
- Coastal Roll $77.00
- Peanut Hay $16.95
Special order options
- T&A Western 55lbs for $26.99 (Samples available in store)
- Orchard 2-tie 60lbs for $27.99 (Samples available in store)
- Western Orchard/ Alfalfa 2-tie 60lbs for $27.99
This is a brand new supplier for us as well. We are excited to have new hay options. To special order, stop by Kissimmee Valley Feed today or call us at 407-957-4100.
Please note: Special orders for hay MUST be pre-paid.