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Cattle Mineral Tips for Spring

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

Cattle Mineral Tips for SpringCattle Mineral Tips for Spring: As winter shifts to spring, it’s time to take a look at cattle management. Specifically, your cattle mineral program. Make sure cattle management, and cattle mineral, reflect the season to help keep cattle performing year-round.

Quick, timely considerations for your Purina cattle mineral program:

  • It can be tough getting cattle to eat mineral when grass is green and lush. Have one cattle mineral feeder for every 20 to 30 head. You can also use a complete cattle mineral or mineral tub to encourage consumption.
  • Ensure cattle receive enough magnesium to prevent grass tetany. Consider using Wind and Rain® Storm® Hi Mag Cattle Mineral.
  • Spring grass typically has the highest phosphorus level of the growing season. Mineral sources of phosphorus and magnesium are bitter and can reduce palatability. Consider using a high-magnesium cattle mineral with a lower phosphorus level to improve intake.
  • Global vitamin A production issues have caused prices to rise considerably over the past few months. However, vitamin A is very important for reproduction, so it’s critical to avoid a deficiency. Green, leafy forages tend to be a good source of vitamin A. Wind and Rain® Storm® Hi Mag Cattle Mineral contains a low level of vitamin A to complement lush grass.
  • Get a jump start on fly control. Start using Wind and Rain® Storm® Fly Control Cattle Mineral 30 days before the last frost and continue through fly season.

Check out Kissimmee Valley Feed’s full Cattle Feed and Supplies Selection. In addition, Try Purina® minerals today through the Feed Greatness Challenge.

Article Source: Kent Tjardes, Ph.D., Field Cattle Consultant for Purina Mills

Planning Spring Pasture Management

Saturday, March 15th, 2025

Spring Pasture ManagementThe arrival of spring presents a prime opportunity for farmers and livestock owners to improve the health of their pastures through proper pasture management. Not only does this help to regenerate growth, but it also ensures that the animals are well-fed and healthy. There are a few steps you can take to improve your pasture management including planning rotations, avoiding overgrazing, and looking out for poisonous plants.

Plan Your Rotation

Rotational grazing is one of the most effective ways to maintain healthy pastures. This practice involves splitting a pasture into smaller paddocks and allowing the animals to graze on each paddock for a set period of time before moving onto the next. Giving the grass time to recover before it’s grazed again is crucial for its health. In addition, rotational grazing provides an opportunity for livestock to graze on nutrient-rich grass as it regenerates. This practice encourages animal movement and even distribution of fertilizer, ultimately resulting in a better-quality pasture.

Avoid Overgrazing

It’s important to resist the temptation to leave all the animals in one area for an extended period. This can lead to overgrazing, a process where livestock consume too much grass, and it is unable to recover. This can harm the overall health of your pasture and reduce its productivity. Overgrazing can increase the presence of weeds, soil compaction, and decreased water infiltration. The best way to prevent overgrazing is to manage your grazing schedule correctly. It’s important not to leave your livestock in any one area for too long.

Beware of Poisonous Plants

It’s essential to be aware of the different poisonous plants that can be present in your pastures. These plants can adversely affect the health of your livestock if ingested, and some can even be fatal. Such plants include poison ivy and poison oak. Be sure to remove these plants from your pastures, and observe closely whether they are growing back. Consider fencing off any areas in which these plants are known to grow, or uprooting and replanting any areas where they may be present.

Spring pasture management is crucial when it comes to keeping pastures healthy and robust. Proper rotational grazing, grazing management, and attention to poisonous plants will ensure your pasture remains healthy, providing sufficient and nutritious feed for your livestock. Whether it’s your private collection of animals, or livestock that provides for your livelihood, it’s important to prioritize their health and well-being by maintaining healthy pastures. Take these three factors into account to ensure the health and longevity of your pasture and in turn your livestock.

Keeping Dogs Healthy in the Spring and Summer

Monday, March 10th, 2025

Keeping Dogs HealthyKeeping Dogs Healthy in the Spring and Summer: Spring and summer months are a great time for you and your dog to enjoy the outdoors. However, the spring and summer months can also present unique dangers and health risks for your dog. Here are some dog health care tips that will help ensure that your dog remains safe in the heat.

In the Spring, check with your veterinarian to see what they recommend in terms of Heartworm Prevention. Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and can be fatal. Heartworm disease is truly a silent killer and you can ensure that your dog stays heartworm free with just minimal prevention.

Dog Food:

Spring and summer time is the perfect time to transition your dog to all natural, premium dog food. Transition to the new dog food slowly, by mixing in the new dog food over time. Start by mixing 10% of the new into the old dog food. Add more of the premium dog food every day. Transitioning to a premium, all natural dog food can provide long lasting health benefits for your dog, and may provide them with more energy through the summer months.

Sun Exposure:

Monitor your dog’s tolerance of the direct sun very closely. Never leave your dog out in the sun too long. Dogs can get sunburned just like people. Provide lots of shade for your pet. Dogs can become dehydrated in the sun, so provide plenty of cool, clean water. Older dogs and dogs with thick coats need special attention. Limit their exposure to the heat during hot summer days and exercise them in the morning or evening hours, when temperatures are cooler.

Fleas and Ticks:

Keep your dog free from fleas and ticks during the summer by using all-natural flea and tick treatments. Some of the flea and tick products that are sold over the counter are actually toxic and should be avoided at all costs. Speak with your veterinarian about holistic flea and tick solutions.


Protect your dog’s emotional health by avoiding large, noisy events such as rock concerts or fireworks displays. For many dogs, this type of event is stressful and can cause anxiety. Fireworks can be dangerous for humans and pets alike, so never allow your pet to be near fireworks displays. Many pet owners find the Anxiety Wrap effective in helping their pet cope with fireworks and thunder.

Car Rides:

It is extremely dangerous to drive a truck with a dog in the back. In fact, in many states it is illegal. Dogs can be injured from flying debris and can also be thrown from the pick-up bed during the ride. Dogs should always ride in the cab, preferably confined in a crate or by using a seat belt safety harness.


Make sure that your dog always wears a dog collar and current dog tags including your phone number. Safety dog collars, such as reflective collars and illuminated dog collars also can keep your dog safe.

Dogs love spring and summer because it means lots of time outdoors. By keeping tabs on your dog’s health, you can make this a fantastic season for you and your dog.

Source: PupLife

Spring Garden Hazards

Wednesday, March 5th, 2025

Spring Garden HazardsSpring Garden Hazards: As spring arrives and the first buds appear, gardening can be a relaxing and healthy way to pass the time.  But it can also pose some potential risks to our cat and dog friends. With care and some knowledge, these risks can be avoided.  Here is a list of potential spring garden hazards.

Fertilizers and Pesticides:

Fertilizers containing blood meal, bone meal, feather meal or iron can be tasty for dogs and particularly dangerous. Ingestion of large amounts of meal containing products can form concretions in the stomach resulting in obstruction and severe pancreatitis.  Likewise, those containing iron can lead to iron poisoning causing vomiting, bloody diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, shock, tremors, and potential cardiac and liver effects.  Consider using natural fertilizers available many garden supply stores or local farms.  Ingestion of pesticides or insecticides containing organophosphates can be life threatening even in small amounts.


Cocoa mulch is made from the discarded shells and hulls of the cocoa bean.  Its chocolate like smell can be particularly attractive to dogs. Similarly, like chocolate, this mulch contains theobromine and caffeine.  The amount of toxin present can vary from product to product.  Symptoms of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures and in extreme cases, death.  Keep pets safe by closely supervising them or using safer alternatives to cocoa mulch.  They include rubber mulch, cedar mulch, leaves, pine needles or untreated wood chips.  While these are safer alternatives, please remember these can still be ingested and cause an obstruction.


Gardeners love compost for its nutrient value and many have their own pile.  Compost can be toxic to pets and wildlife and should always be fenced off.  As organic matter decomposes in the compost pile, molds can grow.  Consequently, these molds can produce tremorgenic mycotoxins.  As a result, when ingested symptoms can occur within 30 minutes and include agitation, panting, drooling, vomiting, tremors, and seizures.  However, with supportive care the prognosis is good.

Snail and Slug Bates:

These are available in pellets, granules, powder or liquid.  Most contain metaldehyde which is very dangerous to dogs and cats.  As a result, symptoms can occur within 1-2 hours of ingestion and include salivation, restlessness, vomiting, tremors, seizures and increase body temperature.  Without veterinary care the symptoms can last for days and be fatal, for instance.  Gopher, mole and other vermin bates contain strychnine and are highly toxic.

Flowers and Plants: 

Many plants can be toxic to pets.  Some can have only mild symptoms of gastrointestinal upset to severe liver or kidney failure and death.  For example, the following is an incomplete list of common plants.

  • Severe toxicity:  Sego palm, Azalea/Rhododendron, Caster bean, Cyclamen, Oleander and Yew.
  • Moderate Toxicity:  Aloe Vera, Amaryllis, Begonia, Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, Hosta, Morning glory and Poinsettia.
  • Mild toxicity:  Baby’s breath, Carnation, Gladiola and Tomato plant.

Citronella candles:

Ingestion of citronella candles, used to deter mosquitos, can cause gastrointestinal inflammation including vomiting and diarrhea.

Above all, if you think your pet has ingested a toxic substance, contact your veterinarian for advice and treatment.  Additionally, you can contact the ASPCA Hotline at 1-888-426-4435 or the Pet Poison Hotline at 1-800-213-6680.  Both charge a fee for their service.  Several pet poison apps are available, as well.

In conclusion, contact or visit Kissimmee Valley Feed for natural lawn and garden products.

Article provided by Nutrena.

Mixed Flock Guide: Can Chickens and Ducks Live Together?

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Chickens and DucksMixed Flock Guide: Can Chickens and Ducks Live Together? Have you ever been tempted at the farm store, looking for chicks, only to see adorable ducklings and wonder, “Can I raise chickens and ducks together?” The answer is a resounding YES! Ducks and chickens can coexist harmoniously, if their basic needs are met with the right feed, water, and conditions. Let’s discuss how to make this happen and what you need to know for a successful mixed flock.

How Is It Different When Raising Chickens and Ducks Together?

Raising chickens and ducks together is a rewarding experience, but there are a few key differences to be aware of. One of the main differences is their growth rate. Ducks grow much faster than chicks, so you need a larger brooder to accommodate their size as they develop. Ducks also require more niacin, a nutrient essential for their rapid growth, which means you’ll need to ensure your feed contains enough niacin to support both species.

Another difference is their water habits. Ducks love water and will make a mess of their brooder by splashing and spilling, so you’ll need to clean and refresh their water more frequently to keep their living space dry and hygienic. Additionally, ducks are more likely to nest and lay eggs on the ground, while chickens prefer elevated nesting boxes.
Despite these differences, the basic needs for brooding–temperature, feed, and water–are similar enough that chickens and ducks can be raised together successfully from the start. Understanding and adjusting to their specific needs will help your mixed flock thrive.

What To Expect When Raising Baby Ducks and Chicks Together

Ducks and chickens can be kept in the same brooder and chicken coop. As mentioned above, expect your ducks to grow faster than your chicks. This is okay. They can still be kept together, but your ducks may be ready to move to the coop sooner than the chicks. The difference in growth may also require a larger brooder with more temperature zones–larger ducks can move to the cooler zones while smaller chicks can still get to the warmer zones. You will also need to be diligent in cleaning and refreshing the water in your brooder. Ducks LOVE water, and they spill and make a mess any chance they get!

What To Expect When Raising Adult Ducks and Chickens Together

Once the ducks and chickens are adults, they can absolutely be kept in the same coop, if that is what you want. Ducks and chickens can all free-range during the day and return to the same coop at night. Generally, ducks will stay together as one flock when exploring, while chickens are much more independent. They may venture out in small groups, but they usually explore individually. Your ducks will also nest and lay on the floor of your coop. Don’t be surprised if that also influences some of your hens to lie on the ground! It’s common to find brown or green chicken eggs in the same nest as white duck eggs. If you’re raising birds for egg production, provide a single high-quality complete layer feed for everyone. That makes feeding easy and keeps the egg quality great.

Feeding Chicken and Ducks Together

Baby ducks grow extremely fast and require 60 more kilocalories in each pound of feed than slower-growing baby chicks. Baby ducks do not convert their nutrients to niacin well, so they require extra niacin during rapid growth. With all these differences, how can a poultry owner balance the nutrient needs of their mixed flock while still keeping their feed manageable?
The magic lies within a really great flock feed. When we formulate mixed flock feeds, we focus on the essential nutrients for each poultry species we want to feed. Then, we balance those nutrients against the needs of the other birds. There is definitely some compromise, but in the end, we have a well-balanced feed that will work for many scenarios and different poultry types.

Chicken and duck mixed flocks are probably the most popular in many of our backyard flocks. As discussed in previous articles and above, baby ducks grow faster than baby chicks. They also have some unique nutritional requirements. Niacin is a B vitamin (B3), and most B vitamins are used to help convert food into energy.

Ducklings usually require about 20-60% more niacin than baby chicks, and that is because ducks grow extremely fast, and they are not very good at converting their other nutrients to niacin. Ducks deficient in niacin may develop leg deformities that can affect how they walk. Because of these unique requirements, you want to choose a high-quality flock feed that specifically mentions ducks as one of the species in the purpose statement or the feeding directions. This ensures that the unique nutrient requirements of ducks were considered when the feed was formulated. You can choose to feed Kalmbach 16% Flock Maintainer, which has a broader nutrient profile for all types of poultry. Or, if your ducks are layers, you can choose from any of our complete layer feed options.

Medicated Precautions

It is important to note that medicated chick feeds are NOT labeled for ducks. If you choose to raise baby ducks and baby chicks together, you should select a non-medicated feed. All feed companies are legally required to declare if a feed is medicated. The word MEDICATED will be noted on the label along with the type of medication, the purpose of the medication, and the inclusion of the medication. If nothing is written on the label to indicate that the feed is medicated, it is a non-medicated feed.

The great thing about Kalmbach 16% Flock Maintainer and another option, the Kalmbach 20% Flock Maker, is that these feeds contain LifeGuard® Poultry, an all-natural blend of ingredients that naturally supports gut health and immunity. These feeds are a great way to help protect and boost your birds’ immune systems without using medications. On a side note, most medications (amprolium) used in chick feeds are very safe. So, if your ducks have accidentally consumed medicated chick feed, it is unlikely to harm them.

Can I Add Turkeys or Gamebirds to My Mixed Flock?

Before we dive into nutrient needs, I encourage anyone who wants to have turkeys in a mixed flock to do your research on Blackhead Disease.

Turkeys and gamebirds have very high nutrient requirements when they are babies. Turkey poults require 40% more protein than chicks intended to become layers. They also need a lot of energy to support their rapid growth. Unless you are raising slow-growing heritage varieties, the gap between turkeys/gamebirds and chicks’ nutrient requirements is too wide for a good compromise. This is why starting turkeys and gamebirds on a feed specifically formulated for those species is probably best for those birds. You may have to feed turkeys and gamebirds separately from other poultry species for the first 3-6 weeks of life to give them the best start.

Nutrient Needs

Most of the differences mentioned in this article result from rapid growth that occurs in the first few weeks of a bird’s life. Each species grows differently and has different nutrient needs during those times. Do you remember how much your kids ate during a growth spurt? Poultry do the same thing! Chickens and ducks included. However, once those birds reach adulthood, most species actually have quite similar nutrient requirements. For example, an adult laying duck has nutrient requirements similar to a laying hen’s. This is why most adult laying ducks do very well on complete layer diets.

Adult non-producing poultry – turkeys, roosters, gamebirds, retired hens – are all in a nutrient state called maintenance. These birds still need good, balanced nutrition, but their bodies are no longer in rapid growth or production. Maintenance requirements are usually much lower than those of birds in the growth or production stage. A high-quality maintenance feed like Kalmbach 16% Flock Maintainer is the perfect option for mixed flocks. This feed still provides solid, quality nutrition to help your birds stay healthy, strong, and beautiful without excessive nutrient waste.

Keeping mixed flocks is fun! There is something so charming about seeing a nice blend of poultry out, pecking around, and enjoying a peaceful afternoon. We encourage all our poultry lovers to keep expanding their flocks, learning about different types of poultry, and having fun! We are here to help you on every step of your poultry journey!


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