Archive for the ‘Horse’ Category

Hayhut Products Available

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

Man holding up a Hayhut against a bale of hayHayhut Products are available at Kissimmee Valley Feed. Horse owners and livestock managers are always on the lookout for solutions that can keep their animals healthy and content. Enter Hayhut, a revolutionary product that is the leading covered round bale hay feeders for horses that deliver efficiency both in every day use and in cost.

Feeding Efficiency

Hayhut is not just another hay feeder on the market. Its standout feature is the covered round bale design, which offers a range of benefits for both the animals and their caretakers. By providing a constant and protected source of forage, Hayhuts reduce waste and enhance feeding efficiency. Unlike traditional feeders, these structures ensure that even during adverse weather conditions, your livestock has access to fresh and dry hay, minimizing the chances of spoilage. This efficient feeding system helps to optimize the feed’s nutritional value, ensuring that your horses receive the best possible care.

The structure of the Hayhut is also worth noting. Made from robust, UV-stabilized polyethylene, these feeders are built to last. They resist rust and require no maintenance, unlike many metal feeders that degrade over time. This durability means that by investing in Hayhut, you’re choosing a long-term solution that won’t need frequent replacements or repairs, saving you both time and money in the long run.

Two horses feeding from a HayhutReliable Forage

Overstocked pastures and poor forage growing conditions can be a nightmare for horse owners. Hayhuts provide a viable solution by offering a consistent and reliable source of forage, regardless of pasture conditions. This reduces the stress on pastures and allows grass to recover and grow more effectively.

By using Hayhut feeders, you can maintain a healthier pasture environment year-round. This is particularly beneficial during the dry season or in regions with challenging soil conditions. The result is a more balanced ecosystem that supports both your horses and the land they graze on.

Happy Horses

It is interesting to note how well these pasture feeders stop ‘big bale bickering’ and also how they bring a strong air of calmness and contentedness across the ranch as the horses all know that they have a constant source of forage.

Anyone who has managed a herd of horses knows the tension that can arise during feeding time. Fighting over bales is not just stressful for the horses, but it can also lead to injuries and uneven feed distribution. Hayhuts address this issue by providing ample access to hay for multiple horses at once.

The design encourages a more peaceful feeding environment, reducing competition and aggression among horses. This not only improves the overall well-being of your animals but also contributes to a calmer and more orderly atmosphere on the farm. For livestock managers, this added peace of mind is invaluable.

Whether you’re looking to improve feeding efficiency, reduce costs, or create a more peaceful environment for your horses, Hayhut offers a compelling solution. Join the ranks of satisfied horse owners and livestock managers who have made the switch and seen the benefits firsthand.

For farmers and ranchers in or around the Kissimmee, FL county, visit us or call the store at (407)-957-4100 to learn more about the haynut products available from our educated staff!

Deworming: Plan, Purge, Protect

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Deworming: Plan, Purge, Protect. Tan horse looking out of a barn stall.Internal parasites are a common problem in horses, particularly those managed on pasture. In addition to being a nuisance, internal parasites can cause serious health problems. These health issues include conditions such as weight loss, poor performance, colic, and intestinal obstruction. Establishing and maintaining a routine deworming schedule for your horses is an essential step to keep them healthy. However, a good deworming program should be tailored to the individual horse. The program should be based on factors such as age, pasture type, climate, and management style. Strategic deworming takes these factors into account. Additionally, a good deworming strategy helps prevent the development of resistance and strives to keep the deworming medications you use on your farm effective.

Strategic Deworming for Horses

In the past, deworming horses often meant giving a broad spectrum deworming medication to every horse in the barn a few times each year. Nowadays, it is recommended that horse owners use a strategic deworming program that addresses the needs of each individual horse. A strategic deworming protocol involves three steps:


Planning is perhaps the most important step in any strategic deworming program. To start, your veterinarian can help you monitor fecal egg count for the horses on your farm. This easy testing will identify high, moderate, and low egg shedders, and this information will be used to determine the frequency of deworming needed for each horse. In addition to fecal egg counting, you will also need to understand the types of parasites that are prevalent in your region and their infection cycles. This will help you make informed decisions regarding your horse’s management and the types of deworming medications available to target these species.


Purging involves the use of a broad spectrum deworming medication such as ivermectin to interrupt the infection cycle and kill the parasites that are currently established in your horse. Purge dewormers like Farnam IverCare (ivermectin) Paste 1.87% target a wide variety of parasites including small and large strongyles, pinworms, ascarids, and bots in a single dose. This medication is easy to administer using the adjustable dosing syringe. The frequency of purge deworming should be customized to fit the needs of the individual horse. High egg shedders may need more frequent purges, while low egg shedders may only need a purge dewormer twice per year. Monitoring fecal egg counts before and after the use of purge dewormers can also be useful to identify resistant parasites and ensure the deworming medication you have chosen is effective.


Daily deworming medications such as Farnam PyrantelCare Daily Dewormer 2.11% (pyrantel tartrate) provides continuous protection against more than 31 of the most common species and stages of equine parasites. This product utilizes pyrantel tartrate, a safe and effective anthelmintic that targets large and small strongyles, pinworms, and ascarids. The palatable medicated pellets are simply added to the horse’s normal feed daily. Once ingested, the medication works in the horse’s digestive tract to control parasites and help to prevent parasites from migrating through your horse’s digestive system, which can cause serious damage. While daily dewormers are a great tool for controlling new parasite infections, they do not treat all stages of parasites. That’s why it is important to use these products in conjunction with a routine purge deworming plan.


There are many different deworming products on the market today. Choosing the best options for your horse can seem daunting. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to equine deworming, a strategic deworming program is easy to implement. It will also provide your horse with protection to meet his unique needs. With the right products and a customized approach, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are doing what you can to help your horse remain healthy and protected from parasites.

Elizabeth Racine

Original article from Farnam.

How to Keep Horses Cool in Hot Weather

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

How to Keep Horses Cool in Hot WeatherHow to keep horses cool in hot weather? As summer drags on, heat can become a serious problem for many horses.

Sweating is the primary way horses cool themselves. Experts believe that prolonged, consistently high sweat rates can lead to “exhaustion” of the sweat glands. In horses, this may result in anhidrosis, or the inability to produce sweat adequately. It is crucial to address anhidrosis and find other ways to keep horses cool because it can pose a serious health risk to horses in warm climates.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when trying to keep your horses cool this summer.

1. Fresh, cool water

Hydration is critical during hot weather, but poor water quality can severely limit your horse’s intake. Most horses don’t like to drink hot water, so it is best to provide fresh, cool water daily. Dark-colored troughs or buckets placed in direct sunlight will absorb heat and warm the water quickly.

Keep horse water troughs and buckets clean and free of algae to encourage drinking. Remember, it can be hard to see accumulated algae and debris at the bottom of a dark-colored trough. Another tip: overfill water buckets and troughs to provide moisture for your horse’s hooves, especially in dry climates.

2. Salt and electrolyte supplementation

Feeds do not contain enough salt to meet a horse’s daily sodium requirement. Therefore, an additional source of salt is always recommended. At a minimum, a salt block should be available free choice. However, horses are not natural lickers and may not lick enough voluntarily. Top-dressing their feed with 2 oz plain salt per day is a good way to ensure they get enough.

In the “sweating season,” whether due to temperature or workload, salt should be switched to a quality electrolyte. This will supply important minerals like potassium and calcium, in addition to salt, that your horse loses through sweat. The best electrolytes will be mostly minerals, not sugar.

3. Summer horse shelter

We can all appreciate how much cooler it is under the shade tree in the middle of summer versus being out in the full sun, and your horse feels the same way. If there are no trees in your turnout areas, providing a run-in shed or even a fabric sunscreen as a horse shelter can make a big difference in helping to keep your horses cool.

Horses cool themselves primarily through evaporative and convective cooling. To help them, apply cool baths or use sprinklers to keep your horses more comfortable and to decrease their need to sweat as much. Moving air increases both convective and evaporative cooling. If the breeze isn’t blowing, provide a fan to move the air. Some farms even use large golf course fans to keep their horses cool in pastures. Finally, remember it may be more comfortable outside in the sun than inside a stuffy barn with poor airflow.

4. Exercise and heat stress in horses

Metabolic heat from exercise is another primary heat source for horses; therefore, it is best to confine strenuous exercise to early morning or later evening hours when ambient temperature and humidity are the lowest. Alternatively, you can give yourself and your horse a break from hard training during the hottest summer months.

To avoid additional heat stress, postpone events such as vaccination, weaning, changing barns, moving horses between groups, etc. If any of these events must occur during the hottest days of summer, try to do them during the coolest hours of the day.

Even though summer can be a sweaty, uncomfortable time, these tips can help your horse stay healthy and happy year-round.

Check out Kissimmee Valley Feed’s equine feed & supplements to help your horse stay happy!

Article source: Purina Animal Nutrition

Signs That Your Horse Has An Insect Problem

Saturday, June 1st, 2024

How to Tell if Your Horse Has an Insect ProblemSigns That Your Horse Has An Insect Problem: We’ve all had times where we wish our horses could talk and tell us what’s bothering them. The truth is, horses do communicate as best they can. It’s up to horse owners to pay attention to behaviors and physical signs to interpret what’s wrong. (And don’t forget to visit KVF for your horse supplies!)

You know fly season is in full swing when horses are reacting to flying pests. Stomping feet, swishing tails and shaking heads are all normal behavioral responses to flies and insects. Is there a pond or mud puddle available? Horses will often roll or stand in it in an effort to avoid flies.

But some horses also exhibit physical signs that insects are bothering them more than normal.

  • Is your horse’s hair falling out in clumps?
  • Does his mane have places where he’s rubbed out some or even all of the hair?
  • Does he vigorously scratch his tail on fence posts, stall walls or trees?
  • Are there places where his skin is irritated or even raw?

These are obvious signs your horse is having trouble with insects that shouldn’t be ignored.

When your horse acts “itchy”

It’s not unusual for a horse to use stationary objects, like a fence post, to scratch an occasional itch. But when a horse walks away from food to scratch or repeatedly rubs his ears, tail, mane, neck or belly to the point that his hair is falling out and his skin is raw–or even bleeding–there is a definite reason.

How can you know if your horse is actually allergic to insect bites, or if he just has irritated skin from being bitten?

“A horse with substantial hair loss or incessant itching likely needs to see a veterinarian who can do some diagnostic testing to nail down a cause,” notes Martha Mallicote, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, veterinarian and large animal clinical assistant professor at the University of Florida.

“With skin disease, it’s very temping to label it as ‘not that important’ and just treat with over-the-counter ‘remedies.’ But the reality is that some horses with significant allergies need really aggressive therapy to improve their actual quality of life–not just the quality of their hair coat,” adds Mallicote.

She explains that there is not a definitive way to differentiate “itchy” from an actual sensitivity other than allergy testing, which would show any allergens that are affecting the horse. In such cases, your veterinarian’s expertise can get to the root of the problem and help your horse be more comfortable.

“A vet will complete a physical exam, including close inspection of the abnormal skin, and likely choose to take skin samples for culture, cytology or other testing,” says Mallicote.

Signs of insect allergies

Unfortunately, in addition to the aggravation factor, some horses are actually allergic to insect bites. Signs of substantial insect allergies include:

  • frequent itching to the point of destruction of fences and stall equipment from the horse’s rubbing
  • welts or swelling in the affected area
  • hair loss from intense rubbing due to itching
  • broken skin, sometimes to the point of bleeding

If your horse has intense itching and hair loss in specific areas, this can indicate an allergic reaction to specific pests known as culicoides.

“The classic distribution of hair loss for a culicoides-sensitive horse is the mane/neck, tail head and ventrum (belly) of the horse,” explains Mallicote.

Culicoides sensitivity

Tiny biting midges, sometimes described as “no-see-ums,” but properly identified as culicoides, can cause extreme distress by biting the horse’s mane, tail and belly, especially if the horse is allergic to the insect saliva. Affected horses will scratch themselves on almost any stationary object in an attempt to relieve the extreme itching.

Culicoides sensitivity may also be referred to as “sweet itch.” In addition to severe itching, it’s common for horses with this condition to have patches of skin with broken or missing hair, scaliness and even oozing lesions. Secondary infections are possible when the skin is broken.

“Culicoides sensitivity is quite common, especially in the Southeastern U.S., but most horses have a more manageable case of the disease,” says Mallicote. “There are certainly those horses that are especially sensitive and do develop those really severe signs that indicate they are so terribly itchy that they cannot stop scratching.”

For those horses, Mallicote says it’s important to minimize exposure to culicoides. These biting midges are most active around dusk, so protecting horses that are sensitive typically means stabling them at this time of day and using fans that create a strong enough air current to keep midges from landing on the horse and biting.

Veterinarians treating such horses may have to prescribe strong anti-inflammatory medication to help get the itch under control.

Be proactive

If your horse has had issues in the past and reacted to insect bites by rubbing his mane and tail until his hair is falling out, you’ll want to take proactive steps before he’s under assault again.

“Get started with fly spray early in the season. Apply an effective product at least once daily and make sure to use enough product to really cover the horse,” advises Mallicote.

Farnam’s Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray for Horses is an effective choice for hard-working horses that will be sweating, while Nature’s Defense Water-Based Fly Repellent Spray is a non-chemical, botanical-based option that also offers great protection.

Read all the directions on the spray bottle to be certain you are applying the correct amount. Use the product as recommended. Many horse owners inadvertently don’t apply enough insect repellent to perform as the product label promotes.

Physical barriers–such as Farnam’s SuperMask II Horse Fly Mask, boots and sheets–may be needed for those horses that are overly sensitive to insects. For pastured horses, spot-on repellent products may also be beneficial.

“As for some situations, long-acting products are also helpful. Not in place of the fly spray but in addition to it,” adds Mallicote. “For sensitive horses, start using fly sheets and fly masks before they are needed to minimize exposure.”

Mallicote reminds owners that these horses will benefit from being stalled with a strong fan. Especially during the time of day when pests are most active.

Keep an eye on your horse’s behavior and watch for physical signs that indicate insect irritation or possible allergy. This way, your horse won’t have to “shout” to get your attention if he’s suffering from pests.

Farnam, Cynthia McFarland


Basics of Electrolytes for Horses

Monday, July 10th, 2023

Basics of Electrolytes for HorsesLet’s face it, the summer heat takes its toll…know the basics of electrolytes for horses to protect them! Based on the article, horses use their sweat to regulate their body temperature. Equine sweat is more concentrated with salt (sodium and chloride) than other body fluids. In result, horses lose a tremendous amount of electrolytes during these harsh, hot summer months. So what exactly are electrolytes? They help the body regulate water levels to maintain a balance between dilution and dehydration. There are five major electrolytes. These include sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Understanding how each one affects your horse is vital.

  1. Sodium and Chloride: These two play a factor in maintaining blood volume. They are the first to be released when a horse sweats. Imagine Sodium and Chloride as partners. Sodium leaves the body in sweat first, then water follows.
  2. Potassium: This is one of the most important electrolytes to your horse. It is required for muscle contraction and relaxation. Some horses require more or less than others in their diet but it is still present in a healthy horse.
  3. Calcium: This is essential for muscle function. Without this electrolyte, your horse’s body will break down and become weak.
  4. Magnesium: This is a vital component of body fluids.

Maintaining a balance between these can be tricky. Giving a dehydrated horse concentrated electrolytes can actually worsen conditions. But don’t worry, we have a solution! For starters, all horses should have free-choice access to loose salt or a salt block. Good-quality forage should provide adequate potassium. Together, these feedstuffs should provide sufficient electrolytes for the average horse. For any additional information, see the whole article here.

Presented by Kentucky Equine Research



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