Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Summer Forage for Cattle

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Summer Forage for CattlePasture looks excellent right now, so why pay attention to forage for cattle?

There are simple things you can do to make the most of summer forage for cattle today and further on down the road:

1. Implement a grazing plan

Rotational grazing gives pastures a rest compared to grazing them continuously. You can rotate cattle between pastures as often as once a day to as little as once a month. Either way, rotational grazing can help ensure the quality and quantity of forage for cattle throughout summer. Simply splitting a cattle pasture in half can help.

2. Consider soil fertility

Just like you need to look at cattle requirements each winter and determine if you need to supplement, the same holds true for soil. Work with an agronomist to test your soil. Test results will tell you if you need to fertilize to combat gaps in soil fertility.

Remember, soil fertility will impact not only forage quantity but will also influence quality – especially protein. What your cattle eat is a direct result of soil fertility.

3. Hone in harvest

There’s no “right” time to harvest crops. Harvest typically occurs when there’s a happy medium of quantity and quality. Time harvest to match the quality of forage desired. Keep in mind that as forage for cattle matures digestibility and protein tend to drop. Also look at ways to minimize leaf loss and consider the use of a preservative to help with forage storage.

4. Manage cattle pasture quality decline

As you get into July and August, forage for cattle matures and pasture quality declines. You may need to supplement to meet cattle requirements. Supplementation is especially vital in spring-calving herds with cows still lactating. Don’t overlook calves; as cattle pasture quality declines, consider offering calves supplemental creep feed.

Fast fact: Providing creep feed to calves as pasture quality declines in late summer can help offset a nutritional gap. A creep feed program using Intake Modifying Technology® can efficiently assure calves reach their genetic potential for gain. 

Does your nutrition program stack up? Find out with a Proof Pays feeding trial.


Source: Chad Zehnder, Ph.D., Field Cattle Consultant

Beekeeping: is it for me?

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019
Aug ’19
6:00 pm

Beekeeping: is it for me?

Join us for our “Beekeeping: is it for me?” seminar! It is a free event at 1501 Eastern Avenue on August 7, 2019, from 6-7:30 PM. Come by to see if beekeeping could potentially be a new hobby, interest, or business for you! Our guest speaker, Jessica Sullivan is an Agriculture Educator with UF IFAS Extension and is an avid backyard beekeeper. Her knowledge will be beneficial to you and your family. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn from an expert.

Some of the topics we’re discussing are startup costs, legal aspects, physical requirements, equipment, risks, and hive maintenance just to name a few. It’s important to really know what you’re getting into before you dive into the hive. Looking for supplies? No worries! We have a full stock of necessary products to get you started at the store. Stop by and browse our selection today. We are very excited to introduce beekeeping to our community.

Make plans to attend our “Beekeeping: is it for you?” seminar as soon as possible! RSVP below. Can’t wait to see what all the buzz is about, see you there!


    1st Annual Pet Swap

    Thursday, June 20th, 2019
    Jul ’19
    9:00 am

    1st Annual Pet SwapYou are invited to our 1st Annual Pet Swap at Kissimmee Valley Feed Store #2, located at 215 13th Street on July 13th from 9AM-12PM. This is an indoor event and completely free to attend. You may buy, sell, or trade animals. We are excited to host this event and see new relationships form! We are providing tables for your convenience.

    The event is open to all breeds, species, or genders. If you are currently not in a position to house a pet any longer, we encourage you to bring any critters that you would like to find a re-home for. So many customers are anxiously awaiting to find their perfect match. Also, this is a great opportunity for anyone who is looking for a new companion, willing to adopt a new friend, or become a pet parent for the first time. The possibilities are endless! Not sure if you’re ready? You still have time to think it over or prepare a space in your home.

    Remember to provide a carrier that’s comfortable for your pet. Packing their leashes and collars will help the day run more smoothly. All reptiles or amphibians must be in a container with a lid. Also, all transactions are based on the seller so come prepared with different payment methods.

    Not sure what to expect? Stop by to see for yourself what all the excitement is about on Saturday! If you plan to attend this event, please RSVP by calling us at 407-892-4040 or signing up below.

    We hope to see you at our 1st Annual Pet Swap!


      Purina Farm to Flock Treats

      Friday, June 14th, 2019

      Farm to Flock TreatsPurina Farm to Flock Treats are deliciously made and served up in a fun bite-sized shape that your birds will love! Treats like scratch grains, mealworms, and kitchen scraps are like candy for birds; fun to eat and a nice treat, but you wouldn’t want to make a meal of them. This product offers essential nutrients your birds need so you can go ahead and spoil them without any guilt. Your girls will get a well-balanced mix of grains, vitamins, and minerals in every delightful bite. These treats also pair well with our Purina Flock Block and other similar products. You can’t go wrong by scattering this throughout your daily feeding regiment.

      The maker is operated by an American farmer-owned company who shares your values. Your flock’s nutrition is our top priority. The hens at our farm love Purina Farm to Flock Treats, so we trust yours will too. Feeding directions are easy, just mix 2 tablespoons per day along with a complete and balanced Purina poultry diet!

      We are happy to announce that we offer this product at Kissimmee Valley Feed! For more information on this product, visit here. We would love to know how your flock reacts to this product. Next time you’re in the store, share with us!

      Preparing Livestock For Hurricanes

      Tuesday, June 11th, 2019

      Preparing Livestock For HurricanesPreparing Livestock For Hurricanes: Before the Hurricane – Plan Ahead!

      Before hurricane season begins…

      • Make sure all animals have current immunizations and horses have a current coggins test. Keep a record with you.
      • Identify your livestock – A permanent hot iron or freeze brand on cattle and horses registered with county clerk is best.
      • Horses can also be permanently identified with microchips or tattoos.

      More options…

      • Take a picture of your animal with a family member in the photo as proof of ownership.
      • Purchase fetlock ID bands for horses and place them on both front feet.
      • Using small animal trimmers & clip the owner’s phone number on necks of horses.
      • Braid a waterproof luggage tag with medication and owner information into the horse’s tail or mane.

      Prepare “Disaster Kit”

      • Have basic veterinary supplies (antiseptic, bandages, wrap, antibiotics)
      • Handling equipment such as halters, leads, and cages.
      • Sanitation supplies
      • Water, feed, buckets

      If not evacuating livestock…

      • Remove animals from closed barns as damage to barn by wind could injure or kill them.
      • Most damage to buildings, pens, and animals comes from wind and flying objects so the ability to protect them in advance from these dangers greatly reduces injury.
      • Turn large livestock out into large pastures with solid shelter or tall brush on high ground.

      Preparing Youth Livestock Projects

      • Show Broilers, Turkeys, and Swine: Don’t attempt to evacuate. The stress of travel is more on these animals than leaving them at home with a three to four day supply of feed and water. Have a generator on hand.
      • Show Horses, Beef Cattle, Goats, Rabbits, and Lambs: Evacuate these animals. They will handle the stress of travel better than swine and poultry. Travel with water and food keeping animals comfortable. It’s best to travel at night with your show animals.


      • Animals should be evacuated no less than 72 hours before storm makes landfall.
      • Before getting on the road, check trailers to make sure they are good in condition.
      • When loading trailers, don’t overcrowd animals – take water supply with you.

      Where to go…

      • A list of livestock shelters is available by dialing 2-1-1
      • Know in advance where you and your livestock go.

      After the hurricane…

      • As soon as it is safe, livestock owners should check on the condition of their animals or have someone do it for you if you are away. Be prepared to take feed, hay, water, basic livestock first aid supplies, wire cutters, and other tools.
      • As soon as possible, move the animals out of any flooded areas to dry or covered locations.
      • Check for injuries and render first aid as needed.
      • Serious injuries will require veterinary attention.
      • Give stressed animals clean feed or hay and water. Provide animals that have not had access to feed for one or more days a little feed the first few days. Gradually increase it over a week to full feed.
      • Do not give wet or moldy feed to any animal. Wet hay, as long as it is not moldy, is good filler. Remember to check the hay for fire ants. Dry feed will be best for all classes of livestock.
      • High water will cause snakes to seek higher ground as well. Rattlesnakes, water moccasins, and copperheads are the principle snakes affecting livestock since they can strike and envenom quickly.
      • Water quality will also be an issue, especially for livestock in populated areas that drink from streams, bayous, and tanks that fill with rain runoff. This water could be contaminated with salt water from storm surges, petroleum products, dead animals, and fecal material from flooded septic tanks and sewer systems. If possible, water livestock from cleaner water sources until these can be evaluated.
      • If there are dead animals on your property, dispose of them properly if possible. Cover with tarps to avoid predators or use lime if available. Dead animals cannot be burned without permission of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This might be waived in case of a natural disaster.

      Source: Texas A&M System AgriLife Extension Service


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      Quick Info

      Main Store
      1501 Eastern Ave map

      Saint Cloud, FL 34769..

      Contact Info

      Phone: 407-957-4100
      Fax: 407-957-0450

      Store Hours

      Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
      Sat: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
      Sunday Closed

      Second Store
      215 13th Street

      St. Cloud, FL 34769

      Contact Info

      Phone: 407-892-4040

      Store Hours

      Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
      Sat: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Sunday: Closed